Drop your name and email below and I'll send you my quick assessment (takes less than 10 seconds!) that will allow you to know every time, without a doubt, if the information you’re getting is your intuition (or not).

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a SIMPLE way to tell if the guidance you’re getting is really your intuition so you can follow your inner wisdom and stop your fear from standing in your way, slowing you down or stopping you.

Confusion is not our natural state of being.

It's an indication that something is off and it's an invitation to bring our awareness to our Source of clarity which may be called intuition, the Holy Spirit or the voice of our Higher Self.   



We are all intuitive


Like an internal GPS,  we each have an inner guidance system nudging us in the direction of our highest path and purpose.  

When we learn how to recognize our intuitive voice, we can confidently move in the direction of our most authentic desires. 


Hi, I'm Kyrsten


Welcome to my little online sanctuary where I share my ever-evolving perspective on Intuition, Soul Gifts/Purpose and Conscious Creation.

I also share the tools and practices I'm using to move beyond resistance, to follow my Soul's most authentic desires, and to awaken, embody + share the love and creativity within me so I can be the mother, wife and friend I want to be.

 The information I share is Truth as I understand it in the moment.

Our individual journeys are unique and deeply personal. We are each responsible for our own relationship with our Higher Self/God/Spirit/Source and our understanding of Truth. We must look within ourselves to discern what feels "right."

I share from my heart with the intention that others will take what they find helpful and leave the rest.

I will passionately share what has been meaningful and practical for me (and others I care about), but I have no intention of convincing anyone to walk a certain path nor do I think any one path is superior.

I believe God is all powerful and unconditionally loving. I believe God is the Source of all life, the very power that animates us. There is nothing we could ever do to separate from this life force, but when we aren't conscious of this union, we suffer greatly.

I have dedicated my life to being as conscious as I am able to God's unconditional love and presence. I have looked for (and found) wisdom and truth in various religions, spiritual texts, New Age philosophies, teachings on Universal Law, metaphysics, quantum physics and other scientific theories...you name it!

God is everywhere! I've simply followed my intuition and explored whatever I felt compelled to. 

My intuition has led me to deep study of mind, body and soul.

My formal education includes:

A Bachelor's in Psychology from The University of Colorado in Boulder.

A Masters in Expressive Arts Therapy and Counseling with a Specialization in Dance Therapy from Lesley University in Cambridge, Massachusetts. 

A Masters in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from The Asian Institute of Medical Studies in Tucson, Arizona.  



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